Representative office

Representative office of Nexta FZE in the Republic of Kazakhstan was registered on June 15, 2020 at the address:
18A, Timiryazev street, Bostandyk district, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Postal code: 050013
BIN: 200642016238


Zhanar Seidakhmetova

Director of the Representative office

Kazakh State Academy of Management. T. Ryskulov, Finance and Credit (1994)


1994 - 1998 - Kazkommertsbank - Senior Specialist
1998 - 2000 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Сhief Accountant of the Representative office of the Republic of Kazakhstan at UN, New York)
2001 - 2002 - JSC "KazTransGas", senior accountant
2002 - 2005 - LLP "KazRosGas", chief accountant
2005 - 2006 - Trade House "KazMunayGas", Deputy Chief Accountant
2006 - 2007 - LLP "KazRosGas", chief accountant
2007 - 2009 - Representative office of KazRosGas AG (Zug) in the Republic of Kazakhstan, chief accountant
2009 - 2014 - Asia Gas NG LLP, Finance Advisor
2014 - 2019 - Almaly Asset Management LLP - Deputy General Director for Finance
2019 - 2020 - Representative office of «Gas Trade International FZC» in the Republic of Kazakhstan – Director
2020 - Representative office of «Nexta FZE» in the Republic of Kazakhstan – Director

Zhanar Zhandossova


Central European University - LLM International Business Law (Budapest, Hungary) 2019
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - LLM Legal Studies 2017
Al-Farabi Kazakh National University - Bachelor of Law 2015


2013 - 2014 - Auezov district Court No. 2 on civil cases – Assistant of Court session secretary
2014 - Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Intern
2015 - 2016 - Institute of State and Law - Junior Researcher
2016 - 2018 - BMF Partners Law Firm LLP - Junior Lawyer
2019 - 2020 - Representative office of «Gas Trade International FZC» in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Lawyer
2020 - Representative office of «Nexta FZE» in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Lawyer

Aisulu Umbetyarova


Kazakh Economic University named after T.Ryskulov, Finance, 2007 - 2010
Institute of Oil, Gas and Mechanics 2010 - 2012


2007 - 2008 - LPG Distribution LLP - Manager assistant
2008 - 2009 - "KNK Chemical” LLP - regional manager
2009 - 2014 - Asia Gas NG LLP - Manager of Marketing and Commerce department, Chief gas metering specialist
2014 - 2020 - Representative office of «Gas Trade International FZC» in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Manager
2020 - Representative office of «Nexta FZE» in the Republic of Kazakhstan - Manager